MVTF Program Services
MVTF extends a safe, structured learning environment that encourages personal growth and development for at-risk youth while placing an emphasis on the student-athlete model. MVTF provides the following services:

Tutoring/Learning Assistance:
MVTF provides additional academic support to program participants through tutoring/learning assistance. Tutoring is tailored to the individual needs of each youth participating in our program. Additionally, group tutoring is available. Learning assistance consists of homework review and suggestions of study tips in preparation for exams. This component requires access and collaboration with the attending school.
Fitness Training:
MVTF provides instruction and personal training to program participants teaching safe ways to stretch and exercise and properly use fitness equipment to minimize the potential for injuries. Each program participant receives an individual exercise plan specifically designed for him or her.
Nutritional Awareness:
MVTF provides nutritional instruction to program participants. Each participant receives a healthy, balanced meal plan to promote healthy eating and create ideal health and wellness.
Professional Development Seminars:
MVTF facilitates professional development seminars addressing job application and resume preparation, interviewing skills, appropriate dress attire, and personal finance. Additionally, MVTF offers career counseling to program participants. Each program participant is required to attend a set number of these seminars.
College Counseling/Tours:
MVTF offers counseling to program participants seeking guidance on college selection, SAT/ACT preparation, and completing college applications. MVTF also facilitates having college fairs and/or taking program participants on college tours.
Bull City Blaze
Bull City Blaze will allow each program participant to be a member of the travel team. Athletes will receive individual and group coaching and will travel and participate in tournaments. Additionally, all participants will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher, exhibit appropriate behavior in school, attend classes consistently, and attend scheduled practices. This program will focus on developing the participants' sports skills as well as creating a positive work ethic.