Bull City Blaze
Bull City Blaze’s objective is to prepare student-athletes to play competitive/travel sports. Bull City Blaze will holistically address the mind, body, and soul of our youth with an emphasis on academic excellence and nutritional and physical wellness. Our services support Bull City Blaze’s holistic concept of the student-athlete by providing three programs: Blaze Education, Blaze Nutrition, and Blaze Strengthening and Conditioning.
Blaze Education
Blaze Education focuses on enhancing the quality of educational pursuits of every student involved in the program.
Blaze Education is committed to transforming current educational experiences of MVTF student athletes with intensive strategies customized to meet the needs of each individual with the ultimate goal being student athletes who are committed to academic excellence.
Program Overview:
MVTF’s objective is to holistically address the mind, body, and soul of our youth with emphasis on academic excellence, social, psychological, and physical wellness. Our services support MVTF’s holistic concept of the student-athlete by providing an educational program to assist students in reaching their maximum academic potential through individualized tutoring and a collaborative partnership with the school and family. MVTF understands that supporting students’ academic well-being is crucial to the child’s development and improves academic performance and appropriate classroom behavior. Blaze Education increases the student’s confidence so that they feel prepared to participate in classroom discussions and activities. This holistic program encourages optimal peak performance in the educational, athletic, and social environments. The services provided at MVTF further promote the development of the whole student. The program accommodates tutorial services, mentoring programs, and education seminars and workshops for youth and parents.

Blaze Strength and Conditioning
Blaze Strength and Conditioning focuses on personal physical training support and individualized workout plans for the student athlete. Students learn sportsmanship, leadership, and a dedicated work ethic.
Blaze Strength and Conditioning provides physical conditioning and weight training to prepare and sustain student athlete’s physical ability to compete at the optimal level in his/her chosen sport.
Program Overview:
Blaze Strength and Conditioning program encourages optimal peak performance in the educational, athletic, and social environments. The services provided at MVTF promote the strengthening development of the student. This physical wellness program will be individualized by person and sport based on the needs of the client. The program is constantly evaluated and monitored by a certified personal trainer and/or athletic trainer to ensure the safety and well-being of participating athletes. The ultimate goal is for student athletes to achieve and maintain long-term fitness. The athlete can perform at his peak condition against his/her peers. The athlete will feel good about himself/herself so that his/her life’s goals can lead to scholarship in college or whatever endeavor it takes to succeed. What’s unique about this program is that it is part of a trifecta: strengthening and conditioning, nutrition, and education programs.

Blaze Nutrition
Blaze Nutrition plans, prepares, and serves at least one nutritious meal during the student athlete’s physical workout regimen.
Blaze Nutrition is a nutritional counseling program, including nutritional advice on planning, preparing, and making healthy selections for meals and snacks to achieve and maintain long-term wellness.
Program Overview:
Blaze Nutrition encourages optimal peak performance in the educational, athletic, and social environments. The services provided at MVTF promote the nutritional development of the student. The major focus of this program is to teach the youth proper eating habits and explain the benefits of eating from all the food groups. It is important to teach youth and parents that this age group’s meal preparation has the correct balance of nutrients needed to perform effectively in any exercise regimen and/or sport activity. The nutrition program is designed to teach the student athlete the proper calorie intake and engage in a nutrition class once a quarter. MVTF has a cafeteria to give student athletes one nutritious meal per day